Monday 24th November marks the start of alternative dispute resolution week.
In the recent case of J v J - Mostyn J was extremely critical of the legal costs which the parties had incurred. The parties spent £920,000 nearly 32% of their assets on legal costs.
Public funding (legal aid) is only available in very few exceptional cases and families are looking at alternatives to the court making decisions about children and finances. It is not surprising that alternative dispute resolution methods are increasing in popularity.
Mediation helps the parties reach a decision with the help of a third party called a mediator. Lawyers then help the parties put that agreement into a court order.
The Collaborative process involves lawyers helping the parties reach an agreement in a series of meetings and recording that agreement in a court order. People are changing how they want to deal with divorce, children and financial issues.
Legal costs may be driving that, but also people want more choice. Alternative dispute resolution provides that.
If you would like to discuss any family law matters, or how our collaborative lawyers could help you, please contact Judi Wood on 0121 746 3300 to arrange an appointment or complete our online contact form and we will call you back.