Who are we?
Sydney Mitchell LLP (OC342756) is a limited liability partnership. We are registered with the Law Society of England and Wales. We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (513895). Our rules of professional conduct can be accessed on the web at www.sra.org.uk/solicitors/handbook/welcome.page. Our registered office address is Chattock House, 346 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 3DN. We also have offices at Cavendish House, Waterloo Street, Birmingham, B2 5PP and at Shakespeare Building, 2233 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 3NL.
Our VAT registration number is 111 5304 31.
A list of members names is available for inspection at our registered office, together with a list of those non-members who are designated as Partners. We use the word “Partner” to refer to a member of the LLP, or an employee of equivalent standing.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
We carry professional indemnity insurance with Endurance Worldwide Insurance Limited. The territorial coverage of the policy is worldwide.
In the unlikely event of a complaint
Our Complaints Handling Procedure can be found towards the end of this page.
In the event that we are unable to resolve your complaint, a non-judicial complaints resolution service is operated by the Legal Ombudsman, full details of which are available at www.legalombudsman.org.uk.
If your concerns relate to our conduct or behaviour, rather than the service we provide, you can raise this with the Solicitors Regulation Authority. You can obtain more information about how to do this by visiting https://www.sra.org.uk/consumers/problems page.
The EU Regulation on Consumer Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) enables clients who have a complaint about a service that they bought online to submit a complaint to an ODR platform via an online form. Further information can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Data Protection and Privacy Notice
Sydney Mitchell LLP is registered as a data controller under the Data Protection Act with the Information Commissioner number Z5661486. Complete information can be read by clicking here.
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The law about cookies changed in May 2011. Websites must get your agreement before they set certain types of cookie on your computer or handheld device and your continued use of this website signifies your agreement.
Complete information about the cookies we may set on your browser can be read by clicking here. A hyperlink to the information about cookies appears prominently on most pages of our website.
Specific cookies set by Sydney Mitchell websites are available on request from enquiries@sydneymitchell.co.uk
General Legal Disclaimer
The content of this website, including trading styles and logos are copyright to Sydney Mitchell LLP.
The information on our websites is published for general information purposes only. It is not intended to form part of any contract or retainer between you and this firm and the advice and information given should not be construed as such. Whilst we have made all reasonable efforts to ensure its accuracy we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from reliance upon any information contained herein, particularly as the information is provided without charge.
If you use our websites then you do so on the strict understanding that:-
You are bound by this disclaimer and terms set out herein and elsewhere on our sites.
Any dispute in relation to the use of our websites will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
You will observe and comply with all proprietary notices and copyright information exhibited in our websites.
You will accept absolute responsibility for the protection of your computer system (whether it be hardware, software, operating systems or networks, stored data or third party systems connected to your computer system) whilst connected to or as a result of connecting to our sites.
You will accept absolute responsibility for the programs and data downloaded or received from our websites, ensuring that it is free from any destructive or corrupting elements (e.g. viruses, worms and Trojan horses).
The Firm does not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of the effect of any third party website which can be accessed through or via a hyper-link or otherwise to and from our websites.
The Firm reserves the right to decline to accept any instructions from any person, business or company in any jurisdiction.
The Firm shall not accept any instructions from any person, business or company when to do so would cause the Firm to commit a criminal offence or a civil wrong in the country where that person, business or company is resident or carries on business.
If you notice any errors or omissions on any of our websites please contact us or write to the Risk & Compliance Manager, Sydney Mitchell Solicitors, Chattock House, 346 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands B90 3DN.
Complaints Handling Procedure
Sydney Mitchell LLP is committed to providing a high quality service to all our clients. We take very seriously all expressions of dissatisfaction from our clients.
Reporting & Investigation Responsibilities
Any expression of dissatisfaction should be addressed to the person handling your matter in the first instance. If you are a client, former client or in limited circumstances a prospective client of the firm and you are not satisfied with their response, you may raise your concerns with our Head of Compliance Mr N Heelam at Chattock House, 346 Stratford Road, Shirley, B90 3DN, or by telephone on 0121 746 3300; e-mail address n.heelam@sydneymitchell.co.uk. If your concerns cannot be resolved informally, you may be asked to detail your concerns in writing, to avoid any misunderstanding. It would also help us, if you would let us know how you would like your concerns to be resolved.
Response Times
We aim to acknowledge any expression of dissatisfaction within 5 working days of receipt, whereupon the name of the person responsible for handling your concerns will be confirmed. A full written response will be sent as soon as the matter has been investigated. If you would prefer to discuss the matter at a meeting, you should indicate as much and a meeting will be considered. If we agree to a meeting and if you wish, you may bring a friend or family member with you. In any event, we will aim to provide a full written response within 16 working days of our acknowledgement of your concerns, or of any meeting. If that is not possible, an interim response will be provided explaining why it is not possible and when we expect our investigation to be completed and our written response finalised. If we accept your concerns in whole or in part, we will offer appropriate redress. Please note that no charge is made for the time spent in investigating, or responding to a complaint.
Unresolved Issues
If you are not satisfied following our full written response to your concerns, you may request a review of our decision within 5 working days thereof and we will aim to write to you again within 10 working days of receiving your request, confirming our final position and explaining our reasons.
Our aim is to complete our investigation and any review within 8 weeks of our receipt of your expression of dissatisfaction.
If in the unusual event that we are unable to resolve your concerns to your satisfaction within 8 weeks of receipt, the Legal Ombudsman, who may be contacted at P O Box 6167, Slough, SL1 OEH, may be able to help you.
Please note that the Ombudsman currently expects complaints to be made to them within six months of this firm’s final substantive response to your complaint and within a year of the date of the act or omission about which you are concerned, or within a year of you realising there was a concern.
For further information you should contact the Legal Ombudsman by telephone on 0300 555 0333, by e-mail on enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk or refer to www.legalombudsman.org.uk
Alternative approved complaints bodies exist which are competent to deal with complaints about legal services, if we both agree. However, as you are able to use the service of the Legal Ombudsman which is free of charge to you, we will not agree to use any other scheme.
If you are a client, former client or in limited circumstances a prospective client of the firm and you think anyone at Sydney Mitchell has breached the Solicitors Regulatory Authority’s Standards and Regulations, you can also raise your concerns with our Mr Heelam. He will acknowledge your concerns, provide a timetable for the investigation and reporting his findings to you.
You may also raise concerns directly with the Solicitors Regulation Authority at:
The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN Tel: 0370 606 2555 Email: report@sra.org.uk www.sra.org.uk
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